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Nicht sicher, wie Ihre Modellnummer lautet? Wählen Sie einfach Ihr Produkt aus dem Abschnitt weiter unten aus:

  • How to install multiple languages keyboard input?
    Go to Settings (Settings) / Language & input (Language & amp; Input) / Android keyboard (Androind keyboard) / Input languages, uncheck "language system" and set the appropriate input languages. If necessary, the input from the keyboard on the screen in the bottom right corner of the keyboard icon will appear by clicking on that, you can switch the input language.
  • UPS Options
    In normal operation the UPS charges its battery and monitors the voltage in the network. In the presence of a low voltage level, or a complete absence of run emergency power from the battery (the transition process takes a few milliseconds).<br />
    In addition, the UPS begins to give audible and visual signal that power is in the network and there is no need to complete the job. Particularly clever "bespereboynik" able to automatically save your open programs, and shut down the OS.<br />
    Upon the resumption of the UPS power supply returns to normal operation and starts charging the battery.
  • Battery life
    The average battery life is 5-6 years. The best course more. But not so scary when there is a constructive opportunity to replace the battery, without a service call.
  • What devices can be connected to UPS?
    In addition to the personal computer to "bespereboynik" you can connect a monitor, external hard drive, router and power supply phone. UPS does not require a laptop, they have their own battery.
  • What is Surge Protection?
    Make sure when choosing the UPS pay attention to this feature. Overvoltage protection on the network and impulse noise is required for such devices. However, there are trimmed models, be careful.

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